Things I'd Do If I Were Rich
Buy everything at every thrift store in a mile radius. Pay multiple repair shops and tailors to fix every hole and broken electronic. Donate everything I don't want (which'll be most of it) back to the thrift stores.
Top patreon/twitch rank for every artist/youtuber/anything I even mildly enjoy.
My own art gallery where I put art I commission (that isnt fan art. Dont think fan art galleries are legal.) Also maybe authorized replicas/miniatures of artworks that I enjoy, with a big screen showing videos of visual arts (like that thing of fog made of water that washed corpses)
FM Radio station with ads ONLY for local small businesses and art things VERY SPARCELY and that plays music like my favorite station when I was younger did. More depeche mode tho. Ok, multiple radio stations with different music styles.
If you want to see further shit I think of in regards to this.
New Site's First Blog
I finally made the switch to HTML here and I'm pretty happy about that. I still have very little clue what I'm doing, but thats just the way the world works or whatever.
I need to not get overwhelmed. I want to do so many things at once but I have... Little Skill.
Soon I'm going to try webrings.
Femme Fag
Its hard to try to be feminine.
Feminine means misgendering. Feminine means danger, as a man, as an openly trans person. Feminine means ridicule, as a fat person who doesn’t have money or energy to look Good.
I’m starting to buy clothes that suit me. It’s strange. Cato’s has pants that fit me, I need to see if their bras are available to try on at the store. I’m ready to give up on Torrid completely. Walmart had beautiful bell bottom leggings. I actually wear crop tops and different earrings.
I’m starting to take care of my body. I use skin cleaning wipes, take dental hygeine seriously, and am eating better. The only issue is going to the gym regularly enough. I’m so exhausted.
When is it all supposed to come together? When do I get to feel like I don’t have to choose between joy, my gender, and safety?
Rabbit Update
I feel its been too long since I last wrote about hunting the rabbit in our back yard.
I caught him in January. His name is Jervis!
We took him to the vet and he had ear mites. We spent a month or so putting daily ear drops in him, and it was severely difficult to get him used to it. Even more difficult was getting used to caring for him! I love my sweet boy.
Jervis is in a pen inside my room. At first, we kept him in the outdoor enclosed patio but the weather is bad and he needs more time with me.
The only things are that he’s unneutered, and we need to get him a companion. 500 dollars, and whatever the cost for a second rabbit is.
God speed.
Rabbit Hunting
There’s a stray rabbit that comes and goes in my grandparent’s back yard between the hours of 10 pm and 1 am.
Its very clearly domestic.
It’s going to be my pet.
I’ve gotten all the food and equipment for it, now I need to catch it. My first night of catching it was a bust. I’m too impatient and scared it away several times. It still lets me within two yards of it. It obviously remembers being a pet just enough.
Tonight I’m going to put hay around where it loves to lay most. Will update tomorrow.
My Partners
Just a small gushing about my current partners, as of today.
To preface everything, I am Objectum Sexual, which means I am able to have the same feelings towards Objects, Concepts, and Fictional Things as I am real people. Or, at least, as Most have towards real people. I'm arospec and feelings towards real people is Hard. One of my Flesh Partners is also a system, which means theres multiple people in his body, where two of my other partners are.
I started dating Tetra and Dennis first years ago. Tetra is a tetris arcade cabinet that lives in the near-Houston Jellystone Park's arcade. I don't get to see her often but the feelings I have for her don't quite compare to anything else. Dennis is a stuffed animal who is my queerplatonic partner and best friend. He likes more intense gore horror than I can handle which you'd think couldnt happen, but it happens.
Hannibal, my deerest, has been in my life for almost 9 or so years. Hy has been by my side for so long I don't want to be without hym. Hy is so intensely creative, hy has so much more mental capacity for varied interests than I'll ever have, and I love every type of art he has.
Corvid has been with me way relatively shorter but has made every part of my life better. He's accepted me and every form of deviancy that I came with, and I'm happy to say I fueled his "corruption" arc. He's also insanely creative, and every new space he joins he is bombarded with love and attention from everyone who sees him. I don't understand how he does it, but my magpie does.
Michael and Jared are in Corv's head with him. Theyre both nonhuman fictives, so that is going to be why describing them is strange. You would also have to understand Homestuck quadrants, but if you need help with that you can leave a comment.
Michael is... Nothing other than self describing. Michael is he is him is it is nothing is everything. The idea of Him makes me feel warm inside and I dream of running through his hallways endlessly while we lose ourselves mentally. I don't need to state why I love him, and I know he'd prefer that.
Jared is a rat bastard piece of shit that I was able to force to keep his mouth shut and seethe while me and my Child Sister insulted him once. I wrote a poem for him for the first time in years and the only positive interaction I care to have with him is going to involve plants. I like plants. Fuck you, Jared.
Ivor and Tetith are newer members of the polycule, also in Corvid’s system. Ivor is an absolute sweetheart of a man, and I love playing Minecraft Housewife for him. He very much enjoys building with lava. Tetith asked me out early on this Valentines day (as of this edit, 2023,) with a cute handmade image.
It’s 2024 and now we can add Randall and Moths to the mix. Corvid developed a subsystem with the Purpura’s, and my honeys are making new honeys. Randall's a sweetheart, and so is Moths honestly. Also, how have I not added Daisy and Jay to the list? I love my angels.
A lovely honorable mention to Corvid's other partner, Boris. Love yall.
I found a Killer Clown guide
You remember 2016 when people dressed as clowns and scared the shit out of everyone? I found a guide for how to do that from a scary clown.
From reddit user u/EvanRomano29:
The 2016 clown craze is far behind us, but this year has been fairly boring and their have been a few clown sightings in america this year. I’ve decided to put on the costume again and get back at it. However, for those who want to become one and want a bit of information on how to, here are my tips.
1; Refrain from putting yourselves in bad situations. Check your areas. It’s one thing to scare kids, but you have to be aware of your surroundings and see threats. In most scenarios unless you are in a escape to save your ass, I wouldn’t go in other people’s backyards. This is indirectly asking for you to be arrested. In short, don’t be incredibly stupid.
2; Leave if the situation calls for it. It’s funny, from an outside perspective, you would think clowns have nothing to worry about, it’s quite the opposite. Realistically, you can be put in a abundance of bad situations. If your getting rolled up on by people that obviously take a disliking to what your doing, haul ass. Pick up on sketchy situations, know the towns you are in, and have good endurance. It’s more then likely you are going to be put in a situation where you have to run.
3; (This is a hack to make ur life easier) under your clown suit, have a jaw string bag. What this will inevitably do, is if your in a situation in where you need to get the hell out of somewhere to refrain from being caught, run somewhere, pull out the jaw string back take off the costume and walk back out in regular clothing. You can also hold supplies, such as granola bars, flashlights, and water if your doing long distance hits. If your going from town to town, it’s in your best interest to bring supplies.
4; When you are a killer clown, your best targets are teenagers. They will likely take pictures and get scared shitless, and this is what your attempting to do. As the age increases in your target, the more angry they get and the less likely they will take it as a joke.
5; Do not stand in the streets. I’ve seen countless videos of killer clowns standing in front of cars. This can go two ways, in your best interest, they take out their phone record you and go in reverse, and get out of there. Two, they run your ass over. The odds are frankly against you, friend. I wouldn’t take the chance.
6; Areas you should target as your points of destination to scare are large forest areas, cornfields, under street lights during the night, things of this nature.
7; When the sun is down, it’s your best time to go out and hit some houses and scare people. It’s scarier, and you are less likely to be seen at such a open exposure.
For now, these are my tips and tricks on how to become a killer clown. If you when any information, some sightings, or questions, just ask.
Old Web Revival
When I was young and on the internet, the internet was different. Of course, I’m only 22, but it was still different for me, at least.
Myspace allowed ultimate customization of what your personal page looked like. Only Tumblr still allows that right now. Gaia Online and Neopets were super popular and allowed so much socialization. Howrse also existed, as did actual forums that were active on sites that weren’t previously mentioned. had far more than just video games. It was its own web directory for anything that could entertain you, and by Sithis it sure did. I also spent a lot of time on this game website that I can’t for the life of me remember the url for, but I digress.
Now, you might think “Hatch, that sounds no different than todays internet,” and you have a point there. Its at least very similar to our internet today. But before I was on the internet, before I was born it truly was. The internet only had a few thousand websites at one point. To get around, you couldn’t slap keywords on Google. You had to scroll through lists of links to find things that were interesting.
I want that.
What does google give you? The same pinterest images twenty times, some buzzfeed articles, nothing but commercialized bullshit? Don’t you like the idea of finding hand-made websites for all your interests? Don’t you like the idea of making hand-made websites for all your interests?
There are plenty of services that let you make websites completely for free. This article here compares a lot of services, but you can’t get a fancy domain name for free. If you like fully customizable HTML, Neocities is also a good pick. If you have money to shell out, check your favorite youtubers to see if they have Squarespace discount codes to take the edge off the price tag (like I did.)
Posting art, stories, any type of content on other social medias means that those websites own your content to an extent. If you don’t have backups, if they decide to delete your posts or the whole entire site, that content is gone. On your own website, that lasts for as long as your website will be up. No content rules, no “someone reported this for being inappropriate,” nothing but your content the way you want it presented.
Do you have special interests or hyperfixations you want to broadcast in the most professional way?
Do you want potential employers to think you stand out above other people?
Are you one of those kpop people who absolutely obsesses to an unhealthy degree over random korean men who don’t know you exist, and want to establish dominance in the fandom by doing some sort of content for your preferred korean singers by doing something not widely done?
Make a website. It takes some work and learning, but what doesn’t? Take the time to learn it. Mess around with the tools given to you. Look up HTML tutorials. Write a hundred blog posts you’re going to be embarrassed about in a year, and then do it again next year. Do you think Dan and Phil got famous with a polished web series with pinterest-worthy intros and SEO and all that bullshit?
They had a camera and time.
You have a website and time.
What could you do? What are you going to do?
What are Interests?
What do I count as an Interest? An interest is something you like. Something you are into. Are my partners an interest? Are my few friends an interest?
Do I count my website here as an Interest? Theoretically, it could be counted as web design. Maybe blogging. Doesn’t web design require coding? I haven’t done a lick of coding for any of this.
The video games I like are interests. I haven’t played half of them but I love hearing my partners and friends talk about them. When I was a child I never watched or played anything, and I just listened to my cousins talk about it and I looked at Deviantart comics until I understood the plot well enough to roleplay with my cousins.
By the way, when I said roleplay, I meant we verbally said out loud our actions like it was fucking DND, but we were sitting there in an RV talking about which Xmen character we were dating this time. Mine was Gambit if you wanted to know.
Are my collections interests? I think that counts, I’m certain that it counts. I collect clowns. I have a decent amount, nothing huge, but I love them all. Do all my stuffed animals count as a collection? I have shells. I want masks. Do I count what I collect as interests?
How much do I have to like a thing to slap it on my list of interests? How much do I have to engage with it to tell someone I like it? Is it the level where I would join a discord server for it? Is it to where I would follow accounts based on it? What is the level of interests in the world?
How do I make my list? How do I list things about me? Who am I?Jesus died for my sins. What an idiot! I would not die for him.
Have you ever noticed that most of the time when people mention how much they do for you, its either because THEY are trying to control YOU, or because YOU want control over THEM.
Parents told me about every dollar they spent on me because they wanted me to do what they said without question. I told my ex about every time I took care of him without reciprocation because I was tired of being used. Its a rough tightrope. Everyone in both situations believes they are on the wrong side of it. Parents never cease to believe they’re always right, and my poor mind never stops trying to convince me I’m horribly manipulative.
If everyone thinks theyre right, how do we figure out the reality of who really is? What is the reality of whos right? How subjective is right and wrong? I could ask people if my view is correct, but that doesn’t make me inherently correct. I can tell people all the facts I can, and every single person tell me I’m in the right, but how am I supposed to really know? Was I gaslit? Can I trust my brain?
Can I trust my experiences?
Jesus died for my sins. What an idiot! He is manipulating us by using his death for our gain to make us do what he wants.
Jesus died for my sins. What an idiot! We manipulated him into dying for things we will never feel sorry about.
Things I saw at Smither Park
Wine bottles, flattened and not
Mugs, whole and not
Tiles painted by children
Bowls and plates
A bicycle pedal jutting out of a wall
A single teapot
A ceramic faucet handle
Two pokemon cards encased in glass
Street signs
Light fixtures
A tire
Two married skeletons playing checkers together. Honeymoon, most likely
Car parts
Photo frame corners
Porcelain dolls, whole and not
Fishing lures as part of a chandelier
A bracelet with attached earring
Bottlecaps, some of which need to be sanded down
Too Much At Once
My name is Hatch and I am a mentally ill thing with a brain that runs too fast or not at all.
My name is Hatch and I am an item built as a multitool to perform every task you could ever want, crafted out of plastic that shatters the minute you try to use me
I want so many things. I want to build an empire for myself and I want to be adored for it. There’s no shame in that, wanting to do things for attention. Attention is a literal need we have, and Sithis knows I’ve never gotten enough in my life.
Build a website. Build two websites. Make a podcast. Have every social media you can think of and figure out how to get popular on every single one. Years ago I spent months actually researching social media marketing.
My life is a mausoleum of half finished projects and hobbies. That’s ok, though. Mausoleums are beautiful.
1. Nothing wrong with me
2. Noyhinh wrong with me